COVID-19 restrictions relaxed, how to resocialize?
To date, 304 million doses have been given to US citizens while 140 million US citizens are fully vaccinated so far. Around the globe, these numbers are total doses given: 2.12 billion, and fully vaccinated people 458 million. Various restrictions have been relaxed as the number of people getting vaccinated is going up each day. It’s time to resocialize but it’s really hard to get back to pre-pandemic social life after a full year of isolation. When social restrictions were imposed, it was also really very hard to limit social interactions, and now relearning socialization seems a bit challenging. Most people are not socially at ease after forced isolation has come to an end — people who used to enjoy social gatherings are now hesitant to reconnect with others — extroverts are struggling with social skills.
Almost everybody has confronted social skills deterioration — the current pandemic prohibited us to utilize our social skills as a result they deteriorated. Research supports the idea that like any other skills social skills deteriorate when we don’t utilize them — for instance, prisoners, spaceship crews, soldiers, scientists working remotely spend a long time in isolation, their social skills deteriorate consistently
Effect of social isolation on the human brain
Man is a social animal and cannot bear social deprivations. Experiments of prolonged isolation have reported episodes of anxiety, depression, personality modification, and various adverse effects on cognitive health. In 1972, a French scientist Michel Siffre isolated himself in a cave for over 205 days. After he spent 150 days in isolation he was so desperate for the company that he tried to befriend a mouse (could not befriend though).
A 2019 study revealed that social isolation adversely affects memory, though there is no evidence of its adverse effect on brain functionality — an above-average effect on memory encourages people to socialize less.
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