Understanding the importance of making right connections.
That Ah Ha Moment
Have you ever thought about the importance of connections? Or more specifically, being able to make connections? It seems like such a simple thing; some of the obvious connections come in the form of what Oprah refers to as an “Ah Ha” moments or rather a moment of sudden insight or discovery. Insights, according to the ‘Merriam Webster’ dictionary is “having the capacity to gain an accurate and deeply intuitive understanding of a person or thing”. But it’s impossible to gain insight without actually collecting additional information via our 5+ senses to prompt that discovery.
You see it’s all about our ability to be able to connect the pieces of a puzzle and often times, only after we receive new information or process the information that we do have based on additional considerations, can we actually have those moments of discovery?
One of the most important question a “Big Thinker” must be able to understand is the concept of time. Not the thought that there are 60 mins in an hour, 24 hours in a day, 365 days in a normal year but rather than that. Man first left Africa roughly 40,000 years ago or about 900 grandmother’s ago; As few as 18 people made that journey. That’s potentially 18 people who went on to populate all other parts of the world. There were more than 9 different other types of human who have come and gone over the last 5.7 million years but we are the only ones who survived. Again, only about 18 people left Africa and inch by inch their children became the settlers of all other continents. If you can grasp this concept then you can also very easily understand that we could have been just like every other early human that didn’t make it out…. Thus, the end of all humans.
Now when we think in scale, we need to consider that we, modern human evolved into our current form about 200,000 years ago in Africa, or 5,000 maternal grandmothers. Why do you need to know this? Because the most important thing you can ever understand is that “Time Changes Everything-Always”. But when it happens at such a slow pace, it’s impossible to see it, it’s like watching hair grow — the change is undetectable but nonetheless, change is occurring. But unfortunately, when we don’t consciously work to make the connection, reality can appear implausible or unfathomable. Those connections are the most important part of understanding not just the bigger picture but any picture that presents a successful you.
Whenever I speak with someone about evolution, say “you mean to tell me you think we came from monkeys”? They automatically jump to a belief that scientist are suggesting that we evolved from Chimpanzees. Why do they do this? It’s because they can’t scale in their possibilities. Because their personal beliefs close off consideration of any of the other pieces of the puzzle that are required to fill in those gaps of understanding. In truth, no modern anthropologist has ever stated in the history of man, that we evolved from Chimpanzees. I mean, if the facts suggested it, than there would have been no issue in stating it but it just did not happen.
What scientist know is that somewhere in the area of 5.8 million years ago or about 145,000 maternal grandmothers, both a chimpanzee and an early human child shared the same maternal grandmother. Now be careful with the word human because the word “human” in Latin translates to Homo and there were more than 9 other Homo species before us. We just happened to get the name Homo-Sapiens or Human that is Wise. But this means that those two sisters who looked identical by every sense of the word, wound up finding a mate and the combined genes of the soon to be human pair and those of the soon to be Chimpanzee pair, had a slight difference in their genes that were probably less noticeable than the amount of hair grown by a human in a minute’s time. She’s what anthropologist call mitochondrial Eve
because she was the one who started it all and the continuation of a slight change led to the next grandmother and the continuation of another slight change and so on, and so on for about 140,000 more grandmothers until we reached modern
man. But during those 140,000 maternal grandmothers, our cousins would have included Homo-Neanderthals who exist from about 65,000, to about 900 grandmothers ago and homo-erectus who emerged about 47,250 to about 2,700 maternal grandmothers ago. Are you making the connection?
Remember, time changes everything.
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Understanding the importance of making right connections
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